Monday 20 January brings you more fine new talent to The Danny Kyle Open Stage at Celtic Connections for 2014 which is held at Adelaide's, 209 Bath Street, Glasgow. RCD Juniors – From Glasgow The Junior Conservatoire is a music school for talented young musicians who travel from all over Scotland to take part in classes every Saturday. A core group of 21 students … [Read more...] about Danny Kyle Open Stage at Adelades, Bath Street. Monday 20th 4-6 pm
Danny Kyle Open Stage
Tune in to Celtic Music Radio 5-7 every day from 18th January to 3rd February to listen to ‘Tomorrow’s Talent Today’ from the Danny Kyle Open Stage at Celtic Connections 2019.
Saturday 18 January, brings you the first of the new talent to The Danny Kyle Open Stage at Celtic Connections for 2014. Eve Williams – Bangor Co. Down Singer songwriter from Northern Ireland, Eve brings you her contemporary music based on traditional Celtic forms as well as songwriting collaborations with other … [Read more...] about Danny Kyle Open Stage at Adelades, Bath Street Sat 18th 4-6 pm
Today sees the first day Danny Kyle Open Stage 2014 which celebrates it's 15 year anniversary this year! We bring back to showcase five of last years finalists - who have since then all had a very busy year. In Adelaide's, 209 Bath Street , Glasgow from 4.00-6.00pm. This is a FREE event and you do not need tickets (only for the final Saturday 1 February … [Read more...] about The Danny Kyle Open Stage at Celtic Connections Friday 17th January 2014
Welcome to the last Monday of 2013 The Danny Kyle Open Stage in Adelades , Bath Street , Glasgow Iain Thomson and Tom Gibbs Iain is a mandolinist and guitarist living in Glasgow with a strong passion for folk music Tom is an established pianist on the UK jazz scene and an occasional accordion dabbler Reely Jiggered - … [Read more...] about Danny Kyle Open Stage Monday 28th January 4-6pm
Alan Frew – from Troon A singer songwriter from Ayrshire, has had a busy eighteen months, touring throughout the UK as well as touring in Germany in Holland. A debut single ‘Go Easy’ received much accolade ! Gria - from Glasgow Hailing from Shetland, Orkney, Lewis & Northumberland this recently formed band have a cultural … [Read more...] about Danny Kyle Open Stage Tuesday 22 January 4-6.00pm
Today's (Saturday) artists for the Danny Kyle Open Stage at Celtic Connections which is broadcast live from Adalades at 209 Bath Street, Glasgow are: Halina Romaniszyn & Aiden Morrison Two 16 year old students at Stomness Academy, Orkney – fiddle & guitar and starting to write their own songs – from the Open Stage at Orkney folk Festival … [Read more...] about Danny Kyle Open Stage Saturday 19 January 4-6.00pm