Celtic Music Radio are broadcasting live from the Danny Kyle Open Stage at The Spree 5 – 6pm
From The Spiegletent in Gilmour Street in Danny’s home town of Paisley
Sat 14 / Mon 16 / Tues 17 / Wed 18 / Fri 20 and Finalist Showcase Sun 22 Oct 2017
Bringing you the music of three up and coming talented acts at each performance!
Or drop in and see us !
The Event is Free!
Alexander , Alexander – Glasgow www.facebook.com/alexanderalexandermusic
aka Daniel Hegarty Listen Again
Alexander Alexander has been writing since he first saw the birds in the sky. As of 2017 his songs, bubble-wrapped in a bedroom, are slowly being released kicking and screaming to the web and to the world. It’s soft sounds, quiet chords, sore throats and occasionally looped and loud.
Based in Glasgow, Alexander Alexander is currently recording his debut EP and gigging as often as possible before he forgets how to play!.
The Shipping Forecast – Glasgow Listen Again
Iain / Kenny/ Paul / Kenny
The Shipping Forecast come together as a fusion of seasoned musicians, producing a mix of contemporary folk, alt-country and Americana, with a sprinkling of traditional tunes. Recent performances at the Star Folk Club, Partick Folk Club and Strathyre Music Festival. Independently and collectively they have shared the stage with an array of prominent artists within the folk scene including: Jenn Butterworth and Laura Beth Salter, Alasdair Fraser and Natalie Hass, Rab Noakes and The Battlefield Band.
Chiara Beradelli – Glasgow Listen Again
Chiara Beradelli/ Biff Smith / Jackie Baxter
Chiara Berardelli is an Italian Scottish singer songwriter living in Glasgow.Her songs draw on a lifetime of listening to music and move between soul, country, blues and pop. She wears her heart on her sleeve and writes about life and how it affects her.Chiara spent an unhealthy amount of her childhood playing the piano. Instead of a telly, her father bought a really good stereo with a condenser microphone (ooh!)and she started to write and record her first songs.She left her job as a doctor to follow her passion and studied music and songwriting in London and Bath.

SpreeForAll Festival pub The Old Swan where many of the DKOS acts perform over the festival