Celtic Music Radio are broadcasting live from the Danny Kyle Open Stage at The Spree 5 – 6pm
From The Spiegletent in Gilmour Street in Danny’s home town of Paisley
You can listen to all the acts again from this link :- Listen Again
Thank you once again for all the artist who appeared on this years stage !
You ARE all winners ! and hope to catch you along the way !
Thank you once again to Celtic Music Radio and their fantastic team who broadcast the stage to you and broadcast 24/7 365 days per year – ALL volunteers – please support the station ! – Link
Thank you to The Spree and The Spree For All and their volunteers for showcasing the talent that is out there and to The Swan for giving them the chance to perform again! And to Renfrewshire Council for putting on the event to the staff and volunteers and especially the sound, stage and lighting crew and to Loud and Proud Tommy & Garry ! Brick Lane Studios. Thank you one and all
Should you require any further information regarding The Danny Kyle Open Stage
please email me – Liz Clark, presenter and producer of the Danny Kyle Open stage at dkos.info@yahoo.com
Finalist Showcase Sun 22 Oct 2017
Bringing you the music of three up and coming talented acts at each performance!
Or drop in and see us !
The Event is Free!
Rebekah Kirk – Glasgow
Rebekah is a young singer songwriter , playing guitar and piano. Her songs are getting noticed and was named as ‘Best Emerging Talent ’ from The Recording Festival Competition as well as being crowned ‘ Best Busker’ in Glasgow! Has been on the ‘Hit The Road Tour’ a project run by The Scottish Music Centre for young artists they believe have a future in the music industry – she has also gigs in 02 ABC2, Oran Mor, Britannia Panopticon, The Garage, King Tuts, Barrowlands and the Classic Grand
Jeremy Levif – France / Prestwick – Jeremy will not be appearing live on stage today as he is in France!
Jeremy is a French singer-songwriter from Lyon. Who has been living, working and performing in the South-West of Scotland, Ayr, for four years now and have even released his first album “Come Hail or Storm” here, in his new ‘homeland’. His passion for music started with a strong interest for singing and guitar playing at the late age of 16. It then expanded with his learning of other instruments such as the piano and currently the bagpipes and singing gaelic songs with the Glasgow Gaelic Musical Association (GG choir
Anton O’Donnell of Anton and The Colts
Their ace combination of rock swagger, blues groove, and the rough and tumble of Americana is one few Scottish bands can match.” The Music Brewery The ATC sound draws on numerous influences: the pristine vocal harmonies of country and bluegrass, raucous bluesy guitars, the tight swinging rhythms of classic soul and funk with Anton’s sweet smokey growl accompanied by tales of love, regret, addiction, good times, bad times and everything in-between.The miles travelled and the countless hours of stage time has helped shape a sound that takes many twists and turns during their live set. It’s a journey of sound and emotion that they hope to capture and recreate with their debut album due for release late winter ’17. “The Glasgow lot bring the country-fried soul-meets-bluegrass ruckus with the occasional thunderous edge.” The Skinny

Congratulations to all !