Celtic Music Radio are broadcasting live from the Danny Kyle Open Stage at The Spree 5 – 6pm
From The Spiegletent in Gilmour Street in Danny’s home town of Paisley
Sat 14 / Mon 16 / Tues 17 / Wed 18 / Fri 20 and Finalist Showcase Sun 22 Oct 2017
Bringing you the music of three up and coming talented acts at each performance!
Or drop in and see us !
The Event is Free!
Lisa Kowalski – Paisley
17 year old Lisa Kowalski from Paisley has 3 years of performing behind her. She recorded her debut EP with her original songs this year, which has been greeted with high acclaim. The EP material was written between the ages of 14 and 16 and Lisa has since written a bunch of new songs that she looks forward to sharing them with you. Her EP was helped to fruition by a grant from Paisley’s 2021fund
She has been gigging from the smallest venue to stadium, also taking part in Paisleys Sma Shot day 2017! Listen Again
The Connections – Prestwick
The Connection are an exciting young duo (14 & 15) from East Ayrshire, consisting of Songwriter/Guitarist Scott Hewitt, Vocalist Kirsty MacLeod. They started gigging together Earlier in 2017 as a Duo of Scott and Kirsty and played some great venues with some original material as well as some brilliant covers. They have two of their own songs coming out very soon on iTunes called “The Abandoned Highway” and “The Streets”. Both tracks were written by Scott Hewitt and Scott Nicol.
Listen Again
Jeremy Levif – France / Prestwick
Jeremy is a French singer-songwriter from Lyon. Who has been living, working and performing in the South-West of Scotland, Ayr, for four years now and have even released his first album “Come Hail or Storm” here, in his new ‘homeland’. His passion for music started with a strong interest for singing and guitar playing at the late age of 16. It then expanded with his learning of other instruments such as the piano and currently the bagpipes and singing gaelic songs with the Glasgow Gaelic Musical Association (GG choir). Listen Again
All acts who go on The Danny Kyle Open Stage are WINNERS ! and out of all the WINNERS three acts are chosen for the Finalists Showcase on Sunday 22nd October 5- 6pm
So come in an join us in this musical journey in the magnificent Spiegletent – and it is FREE
The Danny Kyle Open Stage is held in the memory of Danny Kyle a constant champion of up and coming artists and their music
Produced and Presented by Liz Clark